What You May Have Missed Over the Holidays
January 2, 2015; Posted by: WeBleed staff
Here is a list of articles you may have missed within the last week.
A lot of new articles filled with all kinds of bleeding and clotting information was released over the last week. Here is a snapshot with links to the stories in case you missed them:
December 26
Canada: Windsor Native Named to Order of Canada for His Work with Blood Disorders
Tennessee: 13 Year Old Dies A Week After Being Diagnosed with ITP
December 29
Pharma/Biotech: Baxter’s Spin-Off on Pace for 2015
California: Teenager With ITP Talks About Plasma Donations
Family Holds Blood Drive for 2 Year Old With Diamond-Blackfan Anemia
Florida: Community With a Heart Helps Hemophilia Patient and Family
December 30
Gene Replacement Could Replace Need for Lifelong Blood Transfusions
Actress Talks About Her Life With Neutropenia
California: Woman Loses Half Her Body Weight After Suffering from DVT
December 31
Rose Bowl Opponents Raises Awareness for Fanconi Anemia
New York: Man Suing Airline After Getting a Blood Clot During Flight
January 1, 2015
New Hampshire: Athlete Overcomes Von Willebrand Disease
January 2, 2015
Pennsylvania: Blood Disorder/Gene Therapy Company To Go Public