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Hepatitis C Drug Receives Priority Review

April 7, 2014; Posted by: WeBleed staff

United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gives Gilead’s new Hep C drug priority designation.

According to an article released by NASDAQ today, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has taken their “breakthrough therapy” designation of Gileads new Hepatitis C drug and has now given it priority review.  You may recognize the name Gilead being thrown an awful lot within the past few months with their introduction of Sovaldi.  This is an oral drug that eliminates this virus in a large number of patients. While developing this, Gilead is also developing a combination of Sovaldi with another of its drugs, GS-5816 and this promises to cure all types of hepatitis C with a single pill and is now given a high standing to be overlooked by the FDA with a decision due by October 10th.

This is quite a breakthrough in hepatitis C medication.  The one area of concern for those suffering from hepatitis C using the new combination drug later this year is the price -$84,000 for a course of therapy. Either way, being able to essentially be cured of hepatitis C with a single pill is an excellent foreshadowing into what can be expected for anti-viral research.

Photo Credit – Gilead – your source for bleeding news!

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