Common Household Item Could Be Used to Treat Anemia
September 30, 2014; Posted by: WeBleed staff
Researchers find a use for vinegar in anemia patients.
According to an article by Robert Miller of Dallas News, new research promises a new hope in treatment for anemia patients.
Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center were looking for novel treatments for anemia and found that giving anemic mice acetate, the major component of household vinegar, stimulated the formation of new red blood cells. For those unfamiliar with anemia, those who have it have an inability to consistently produce enough red blood cells which are crucial for the body. It is the most common blood disorder in the world.
“Using rational interventions based on the mechanistic insights gleaned from our current studies, we may be able to treat acutely or chronically anemic patients with acetate supplements and thereby reduce the need for blood transfusions or erythropoietin therapy,” said Dr. Joseph Garcia, an associate professor of internal medicine at UT Southwestern who is the senior author of the study, published in Nature Medicine. “Our study shows that acetate functions as a biochemical ‘flare,’ linking changes in cell metabolism that occur during hypoxia with the activation of a selective stress signaling pathway.”
Congrats to these researchers. WeBleed will continue to update as more information becomes available on a vinegar enhanced supplement for anemia.
Photo Credit – University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
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1 Comment
Do you know what’s causing your aneima? You could always try going to a blood donation center. They give you a check-up for free and also check your hemoglobin levels. (If you don’t qualify to donate, please do not give blood)Also, you could pull down your lower eyelids and see if they are red (healthy) or whitish (anemic/not healthy).Rapid weight loss and paleness .. you need to see a doctor really soon. This could be serious (unless you’re dieting).