Supermom vs. Hemophilia
February 4, 2014; Posted by: WeBleed staff
A Texan mother’s views are outlined in her blog “Blessed Blood” which was written to encourage parents, especially mothers, of children with hemophilia.
Samantha Costa, author of the blog “Blessed Blood,” recently wrote about hemophilia as being both a villain and ally to her son as he has grown up living with the bleeding disorder. She takes a mother’s perspective with their every day struggles living with the disorder as well as an interesting outlook on the situation.
“Who’s to say hemophilia doesn’t compliment (my son’s) very existence, just like any ally does? This one aspect of his genetic make-up allows him to see the world in a larger, unique view. He is able to discover his own “normal,” just like everyone else does,” Costa writes, “I am seeing now how hemophilia is a blessing and gift to my son.”
To read the blog post in its entirety, click here.
Click any of the links below to read the most recent blog posts done on BlessedBlood.com and to also connect:
Magical Mama’s Milk
Mommy Guilt: Mommy Needs a Margarita
Say Yes to the Mess
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