Steve Buscemi offers aid to 2 year old with blood disorder
November 20, 2013; Posted by: webleed staff
Celebrity helps out child with aplastic anemia diagnosis.
Young, 2 year old Owen Hogan suffers from a rare blood disorder called aplastic anemia. His father, Tim, a firefighter with Engine Company 216 in New York, explained the day to day life with Owen’s diagnosis.
“He’s just an ingrown nail or a small cold away from battling for his life,” Hogan told the New York Daily News. “I know what we’re up against, and I know what he’s up against, and it scares us to death.”
Enter actor Steve Buscemi. Aside from his acting credits, Mr. Buscemi was a firefighter before acting stardom. “I used to be a firefighter at Engine 55,” Buscemi said. “The firefighting community is my family, so I just met Owen’s dad and he’s already a brother.”
Buscemi, along with others in the small Brooklyn community, have been adamant in getting the word out to get their bone marrow tested to see if they are a match for young Owen.
Photo Credit: Mark Bonifacio/New York Daily News