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The Missing Factor – Drew’s New Move and ER Visit

On this episode of “The Missing Factor,” Drew discusses the move into his new home and breakthrough bleeding due to his hemophilia. Here are a few quotes about his moving experience and times in the emergency room during this video:

“I just got to my new place and getting things put back together, but that doesn’t come without a price…”
“During this whole moving experience, I had nine bleeds!”
“There are times when you cannot fall asleep because you are hurting too bad.”
“When I go to the Emergency Room, sometimes these ER docs look at you as a seeker (for pain medication).”
“It makes it difficult when most of these docs and nurses have no idea what I’m talking about – they have no idea what hemophilia is.”
“I don’t want other hemophiliacs to go through everything I have to go through every time they go to an ER.”

Going to the ER is a process that Drew has been through for years and does a great job of explaining his issues with visiting the ER after a bleed.

At the end of the video, Drew encourages you to reach out to him with any questions.  Links to reach him can be found towards the bottom of the page. As always, thank you Drew for your time and sharing your experiences in this new episode of “The Missing Factor”!

Drew gives us an in depth view into his life on a daily basis with each new video post.  Click the links below to view more videos:
The Questions
Sittin’ with my Sis

Busy, Busy, Busy
Hangin’ with the Boys
Meet Drew

Drew Kochera is a severe hemophilia who has been doing video blogs for nearly 8 years about his life. He started going through a number of surgeries a few years ago and took a break from blogging. He recently began recording videos again and has been posting them to his YouTube Channel and Facebook page (The Missing Factor).


We reached out to Drew back in February of 2014 and are excited that he decided to let us distribute his blog. We share Drew’s goal of providing a resource where you can learn about bleeding (and clotting) disorders, the latest happenings, and a sense of community. We hope you enjoy Drew’s sense of humor, honesty, and knowledge of hemophilia as much as we do. Thanks again Drew – we can’t wait for the next episode!

October 30, 2014; Posted by: WeBleed staff – your source for bleeding news!

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