Florida – Walk Raises Awareness for HIV/AIDS
March 31, 2014; Posted by: WeBleed staff
Thousands walked in Fort Lauderdale, Florida for HIV/AIDS yesterday.
Thousands of South Florida residents walked yesterday to support the over 35 million people diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. “Florida continues to be considered ground zero for this infection,” Walk director Mark Martin, regional director of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, told the Sun Sentinel.
Shortly after the end of the Walk the pop rock band the Go-Go’s took the stage and energized all of the walkers who participated in the event.
The annual walk raised about $800,000 and an estimated 1,500 of 4,000 registered participants showed up to walk. Not only was the event a way to raise money for those affected by HIV/AIDS but also a way to remind the public just how debilitating this can be. “People still don’t have a good idea of how far-reaching this disease is,” said Lorrie Cram, who heads an organization called Kidz 4 A Cure. “Here HIV/AIDS still makes people nervous; there the stigmatization is bad.”
It’s always nice to see a successful event raise awareness for a great cause – especially one so closely related to the bleeding disorders community.
Photo Credit – Sun Sentinel
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