Florida: Family awarded $2M in wrongful death lawsuit
September 3, 2014: Posted by: WeBleed staff
A woman with acquired Factor VIII inhibitor died in 2011 after doctors cleared her for kidney stone surgery. Jury awards family for wrongful death lawsuit.
In May 2011, Olga Sanchez went into surgery to take care of some kidney stones at Palmetto General Hospital in Hialeah, FL. Sanchez also had a rare bleeding disorder, acquired Factor VIII inhibitor (also termed acquired Hemophilia A). Pre-operative blood tests revealed the disorder and further tests were done and sent out to a laboratory in North Carolina. While labs were still processing in North Carolina, physicians had cleared Olga Sanchez for surgery.
Sanchez underwent surgery to rid her of the kidney stones but proper care was not taken to stop the internal bleeding and her condition worsened. Olga Sanchez died after she developed mulitsystem organ failure.
Recently this case has gone to court and after a 5 1/2 hour jury deliberation, the six-member jury recently found Palmetto General Hospital and its physicians negligent. The Sanchez family has been awarded $2 million. Attorney Stuart Ratzan, who represented the Sanchez family, told the Daily Business Review online, “Jury verdicts like this help make our community and our health care system safer for all of us.”
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