Coffee – More than just your morning fix?
November 21, 2013; Posted by: webleed staff
Studies show that coffee may make blood vessels more efficient.
A new study by the pharmacology department at the University of Ryukyus in Okinawa, Japan of how coffee effects blood flow has discovered that aside from giving drinkers a mental boost – the beverage may also make your blood vessels more efficient.
27 participants between the ages of 22 and 30 who were not regular coffee drinkers were given either caffeinated and decaffeinated in 5 oz increments. Afterwards, using a laser Doppler, researchers were able to measure the blood flow of participant’s fingers. The experiment was carried out again, two days later, with participants receiving the other type of coffee.
The data collected suggests that, when compared to decaffeinated coffee, caffeinated coffee raised participants’ blood pressure and improved the function of blood vessel inner lining by opening blood vessels and reducing information.
Previous studies had concluded that drinking coffee may lower the mortality risk of heart disease or stroke and that high doses of caffeine may actually improve the function of larger arteries.
“This gives us a clue about how coffee may help improve cardiovascular health,” said Masato Tsutsui, M.D., Ph.D., lead researcher and a cardiologist and professor at the University of the Ryukyus said in a press release. “If we know how the positive effects of coffee work, it could lead to a new treatment strategy for cardiovascular disease in the future.”