British Mother Finds Hope in Non-Conventional Medicine
April 11, 2014; Posted by WeBleed Staff
British mother with two terminal illnesses turns to alternative eastern medicine for hope
A good deal of people out there are forced to cope with a life altering and possibly ending disease, however, this woman (Jo) has been handed quite the grim situation; she is dealing with both lymphatic cancer and pulmonary hypertension (PH). However, thanks to advancing medicine in Thailand, there is still hope for Jo. The Better Being Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand specializes in alternative “functional” medicine and could stand as a beacon of hope for Jo. The Better Being Hospital’s experts treat chronic illness with a combination of conventional medication as well as nutrition, exercise, diet, detoxification, and supplements. Jo’s treatment should only take 45 days with an additional 20 days of home therapy.
For more information check out this story on the Express
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